The World’s Oldest Man Celebrates His 112th Birthday

The World’s Oldest Man Celebrates His 112th Birthday

John Alfred Tinniswood turned 112 at his care home as he maintains his title as the word’s oldest living man. The Liverpool football fan was named the UK’s oldest man in 2020 and became globally named so after 114-year-old Venezuelan resident Juan Vicente Pérez died in April.

A lot of historical occurrences  have happened in John’s lifetime, including the birth of the late Queen Elizabeth II, the tenure of 24 UK prime ministers, all eight Football Association Cup wins, and most league victories of his favorite club, Liverpool.

John Alfred Tinniswood’s secret to longevity

John admitted to not having any special cheat code to living long, save for some luck, lots of walking as a young man and maybe his regular Friday serving of fish and chips. Although he currently resides in a care home, John is still able to take care of himself independently as he gets out of bed by himself, self-manages his money and stays up to date with current happenings.

World's oldest man
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He is not excited or concerned about his age, nor does he feel like a relic. He simply enjoys life and does everything in moderation, noting that too much of everything, including food, drink, and even walking, has negative effects. Contrary to what most would think, John believes the world is changing in the right direction and getting a little better than it was in his prime.

112 years’ worth of experience

John’s administrative experience in the Army Pay Corps also makes him the oldest surviving male veteran of the Second World War. He also worked as an accountant in oil and gas, specifically with Shell and BP, before retiring at 60. With his wealth of life’s exploits, John advised the younger generation to always do their best in whatever position they find themselves.

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Having lost of wife of 44 years in 1986, John has been a widower for nearly four decades. His marriage to Blodwen produced their daughter Susan, who is now a mother too. As is customary, John received a birthday card from the UK’s former monarch every year since his 100th birthday until her death in 2022.

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