Joe is on his last day.

Joe is on his last day.

Joe is on his last day… See the continue in first c00ment 👇👇

It was so lovely to see you! We were so glad you could be there for our wedding, and we appreciate you making the time to share this special day with us!

Thank you also for your generous gift of $____. It will be a great help as we settle into our married life together!

I hope you enjoyed the ceremony and the reception, and thank you again.

Sincerely,[BOTH signatures…guys, it won’t kill you to sign the thank you!]


Thank you also for your generous gift of $____. It will be a great help as we settle into our married life together!

I hope you enjoyed the ceremony and the reception, and thank you again.

Sincerely,[BOTH signatures…guys, it won’t kill you to sign the thank you!]

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